Transit Time Domestically
In general, domestic shipments are in transit for 2 – 7 working days. This time may vary due to courier services in delivery area, inaccessibility of delivery area, force major events in and around the delivery area.
Transit time Internationally
Generally, orders shipped internationally are in transit for 4 – 22 working days. This varies greatly depending on the courier you have selected. We are able to offer a more specific estimate when you are choosing your courier at checkout.
Dispatch Time
Orders are usually dispatched within 2 working days of payment of order
Our warehouse operates on Monday – Saturday during standard business hours, except on national/state holidays at which time the warehouse will be closed. In these instances, we take steps to ensure shipment delays will be kept to a minimum.
Change Of Delivery Address
For change of delivery address requests, we are able to change the address at any time before the order has been dispatched.
Items Out Of Stock
If an item is out of stock, we will wait for the item to be available before dispatching your order. Existing items in the order will be reserved while we await this item.
Delivery Time Exceeded
If delivery time has exceeded the forecasted time, please contact us so that we can conduct an investigation. We are not liable for any delays in delivery by the Courier Company/ Speed Post or on account of any factors beyond the control of MOBITECH. We shall endeavor to ensure timely delivery of your order within the estimated time as mentioned in the order confirmation.
Tracking Notifications
Upon dispatch, customers will receive a tracking link from which they will be able to follow the progress of their shipment based on the latest updates made available by the shipping provider. Please allow 24hrs for the status of the shipment to correctly display at the tracking link.
Parcels Damaged In Transit
If you find a parcel is damaged in-transit, if possible, please reject the parcel from the courier and get in touch with our customer service.
In case of any other issue please contact out customer service!